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Why did I do that?

aliasCooked Bread
pronounsThey / Him
623written posts
Toastyearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Toasty Avatar
What is something that you've done that you regret in the present? It can be something that you hated immediately or after doing it or later on.

For me, it's got to be the time when I was really young, about five or so, and I woke up earlier than everyone else and decided to draw on everything. The walls, my bed, even my own brother who was fast asleep. That earned me a spanking and my father debt
pronounsD A R K
259written posts
Death is just a new beginning.
Relatively recent, client needed to cancel their order wanted all their money back because their poor children were riddled with illnesses that sent them to the hospital so their trip was canceled. I felt all the feels for this person, and convinced my boss to refund them despite it going against our service agreement.

Only to be made a fool of later on by finding an ad by said person who just got someone cheaper to do the same work and that's the real reason they canceled. Best kicker of all they don't even have kids who can be deathly sick.

So...yeah crappy 'people' lesson learned, have to follow policies regardless of what a person tells me, and it sucks because I just want to do nice things for people in need.
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mellowโ™กearned bits
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Relatively recent, client needed to cancel their order wanted all their money back because their poor children were riddled with illnesses that sent them to the hospital so their trip was canceled. I felt all the feels for this person, and convinced my boss to refund them despite it going against our service agreement.

Only to be made a fool of later on by finding an ad by said person who just got someone cheaper to do the same work and that's the real reason they canceled. Best kicker of all they don't even have kids who can be deathly sick.

So...yeah crappy 'people' lesson learned, have to follow policies regardless of what a person tells me, and it sucks because I just want to do nice things for people in need.

just had to pipe in and say - you don't deserve shame for this.

they do.

thank you for being a genuine, kind, compassionate person. i'm sorry that someone thought they should try and take advantage of that.
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scarletearned bits
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I used to be one of those people who ruminated on every stupid thing I ever did when I laid awake in bed at night, and I've tried to learn not to do that because there's nothing that can be done about what's already happened. You have to just learn how to forgive yourself and move on.

It's not really the point of this thread I know, but if anyone is dealing with this, it's what I do:

1) Question if it was a malicious thing I did. If it was, resolve to right that wrong if possible.
2) If it wasn't, ask if there was anything I would do differently now, and if so, resolve to do that in the future.
3) Acknowledge that there are always things out of my control, and I cannot hate myself for being unable to see the future.

The things that usually stick with me the most are when I hurt someone unintentionally, especially when I say something thoughtless in the moment that I can't take back. This happens the most when I'm comfortable with people, and I stop thinking as much about the things I say because I feel secure.

For that reason I find it difficult to forget unkind things I've said to people, even if it wasn't meant unkindly.
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Solaearned bits
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Tell me which you dread more ; the echo or the answer?
When I was just about to go to college I just started playing Love Live! And it was my first experience with Gacha ever. I didn't understand how bad gambling could be but I somehow got my hands on my parents cc and spent more than I'd like to admit. I never told my parents, so they thought it was fraud and was able to have it rebutted? I think that's the word.

But years later I got so guilty that I actually told them what happened and offered to pay the money back in increments. ...And I am STILL paying it off after 3 years
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veraceearned bits
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last edit on Aug 23, 2023 18:09:44 GMT by verace
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